and trends (12:00 p.m.): apple to shell out $1 billion in original tv programming for its streaming platform. (package source: techdigg) (6:30 p.m.): the fad spinner fidget loses momentum. (source: the new york times) (26:00): marks glow in the shadow of the solar eclipse. (source package: adage) deep diving - industry analysis (28:00 ): how publishers can embrace the “flight to quality.” (source: publication manager) (36:45 ): facebook's big advertising promises may not hold up for small businesses. (source package: forbes) rants and raves (45:11): robert's rave: as a
diehard harvard business review fan, robert was thrilled to see this breakdown of the transformations that helped hbr achieve record circulation growth in 2017, despite shrinking its printing frequency. (source package: min) (47:55): robert's comment: regular listeners will whatsapp number list be familiar with robert's keen interest in the european union's general data protection regulation (gdpr), which is due to come into force in may 2018. Yet , he was disappointed to read this mediapost article, which sees the regulations as a data security issue, rather than a marketing issue, according to robert. (51:44): joe's rave: while nurturing my interest in all things investing, i came across a book called zillow talk: the new rules of real estate.
I was surprised and impressed by the skill with which the co-authors - two senior zillow executives - mined the company's proprietary data to support the claims and recommendations they share in the content, rather than as direct promotion for the company. This former marketing example of the week (54:50): aaha: robert is in no doubtabout his love of dogs. It's no surprise, then, that a post he recently received from his pet insurance — a step-by-step guide on how to care for a new rescue pet — caught his eye. But what robert found surprising was the high quality of the magazine's content, which seemed to