Constitution to Guarantee It Has Become an Impossible Task, and It Is Often Strongly Resisted by Republicans in Congress. in This Case, When Rights Are Violated, Seeking Constitutional Interpretation by the Justices Has Become the Last Remedy, Hoping to Protect These Rights Through the Detachment of the Justices. Rtx112g3 Photo Credit: Reuters / Dazhi Image Americans Celebrate Outside the Supreme Court in 2013 for a Verdict That Promoted Gay Human Rights in the Legal System of the United States, " Stare Decisis " (Following Precedent) Is the Supreme Principle. When the Justices Reach a Constitutional Judgment,
Future Generations Must Respect the Precedent, and Only t-shirt-design in Rare Cases Can the Previous Precedent Be Overturned: for Example, the Precedent Is Unacceptable in Today's Society, or Contrary to Today's Society Custom. in the History of the United States, There Have Been Many Situations in Which Old Precedents Have Been Overturned. for Example, in " Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka " (Brown V. Board of Education) in 1954, the Supreme Court Overturned the Precedent of 1896, Declaring That Apartheid Is Unconstitutional. in Lawrence V. Texas in 2003, the Supreme Court Also Overturned Previous Precedent, Declaring
That the Government Has No Power to Legislate to Punish Same-Sex Couples for Sexual Activity Because This Right Is Protected by the Constitutional Right to Privacy. in Addition, in " Obergefell V. Hodges " (Obergefell V. Hodges) in 2015, the Supreme Court Also Overturned the 1971 Precedent, Declaring That Same-Sex Marriages Are Guaranteed by the Constitution's Equal Protection Clause and Have the Same Effect as Opposite-Sex Couples .